It has recently come to my attention that Banana Republic's Factory Store now has online shopping! I've always been a big fan of outlets and factory stores, especially when I can make a day of it at the nearby Tanger Outlets with girlfriends and a shopping agenda. But, let's face it, I usually can only make that day happen once or twice a year, so online shopping is a welcome alternative. I've been utilizing that option for J.Crew's Factory Store for years now. True the outlet/factory store versions of these brands do NOT carry identical pieces form the main brand, but they still reflect the overall essence/aesthetic of each store. Plus, the quality is pretty on par with the brand's main line. So, things I'm thinking about for my first foray with the online BR Factory Store...
Sure, all of these picks are pretty "run-of-the-mill" nothing revolutionary fashion, or style wise. But, in my approach to discount/outlet/factory store shopping it's a good source for well-made staples and workhorse pieces. True, the romper is a bit left-of-center, but a simple, go-to romper pulls its weight during early summer, and can be transitioned into fall with tights, boots, and a blazer.
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