blouse/necklace/bag-H&M, trousers/blazer/belt-Jcrew(similar here, here, and here), heels-Banana Republic (similar here)
Another pair of oragne trousers, I think I may have an obession. At any rate, I got this bag as a graduation gift for myself and while there picked up the blouse and necklace. I hadn't originally thought to pair the two, but walking around H&M I slung the necklace over the blouse's hanger and an outfit idea was born. I love how the metal of the necklace plays off the collar detail. From there it was just a matter of adding a blazer and heels. Also, I think sleeveless blouses are a must for summer office wear. Bare shoulders may not fly in meetings, but a jacket or cardigan takes care of that while allowing you to run around without sleeves outside of work. 
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