In my last post I offered an alternative to red and green for holiday dressing. Besides navy and pattern I think another option is color blocking. For me color blocking has three different schools of practice. One is wearing a variety of colorful pieces in one outfit:
as seen in this post.
Or creating a look with two distinct contrasting colors:

from this post
And finally a third option is to have one piece that has color blocking built in:
This is buy far the simplest option of the three. Having the elements of color incorporated in one garment that you can just slip on makes all the difference between outfitting and just wearing clothes. I also like this option:
Here the color is a bit more subdued and not as graphic, kind of like the shallow end of the color blocking swimming pool. So I say, go out and color block for your holiday dressing, be graphic and unexpected. Just please be cautious if your color blocking incorporates both red AND green, things could get dicey at that point. I'm just going to type it one more time... color blocking!

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