So yesterday I had totally planned on going out to hit up the after Christmas sales, however it rained horribly and I really was enjoying my pajamas so instead I just trolled through the online versions of said sales and picked up these two items:
both from UrbanOutfitters
Now the pants weren't exactly on sale, but I couldn't resist. I'm thinking of totally wearing them together. I figure I can slap on a blazer like the one from this post. Or I may layer the blouse over a turtle neck. Either way I intend to try it out as a possible office outfit. The basic components of trousers and an embellished blouse are definitely safe enough for work, but the colors here make it a bit more daring/interesting.
Here are a few additional finds:
Now I actually didn't buy this particular collar, but I did get one similar from Asos that I think will be perfect with the black blouse above. And these shoes finally went on sale!!!
dress, blouse, shoes-Zara
Yes these are open-toed shoes and we are in the midst of winter, but a thick sweater tight will save these lovelies from being shut in for the next few months.
I am still hoping to make it out (possible today) to hit up some of the boutiques on E. Carson St. here in the South Side. I really want to check out Jupe, Fig Leaf and of course all the amazing vintage shops. There's also this new place Pandora's Box between 23rd and 24th that opened right before Christmas. I've seen dresses in the window, but it also looks to have some curios as well. Oh and I should probably go to Pittsburgh Jean Company, but in all honesty their window displays have really slumped as of late. They used to some of the best windows in the South Side. Well, where ever I find myself I'll be sure to report back. 
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